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22 August 2008

It's no laughing matter... Big Mother has to bring up the big gun...
Microsoft Corp. will try to transform its dry and humourless public image by employing the popularity and charisma of Jerry Seinfeld.

The world's biggest software company has signed the comedian to spearhead a major $300-million (U.S.) branding campaign that will be launched next month.
The truth is, I was a bit of a Vista basher initially... but since I went to a dual-core processor and 2 gig of memory... I haven't had any issues.

But that's not the public perception.
Mr. Seinfeld will be tasked with invigorating an aging brand that has taken a beating in the past two years from Apple Inc.'s “Get a Mac” campaign, also known as “Mac vs. PC” ads.

Created by Omnicom Group Inc.'s TBWA/Chiat/Day, Apple's ads show a PC nerd repeatedly upstaged by a hip Mac user.
Now, I've never used a Mac... but these ads are devastatingly effective. It'll be interesting to see if the Seinfeld effect can turn things around.


"The funniest part of this is that Microsoft makes more money off the Mac than Apple does, at least if you put Office on it."