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24 August 2008

Inject this, you idiots

From the folks who brought you government-sponsored heroin parlours...
B.C.-based organized crime groups are controlling the sale of methamphetamine across Canada and abroad, according to Criminal Intelligence Service Canada's annual report.

Meth production in the province was up in 2007 "primarily to meet expanding international market consumption," said the report, which marks trends in organized crime across the country.
But, but, but... isn't drug abuse a victimless crime?
The resulting drug-gang violence that has ripped through Metro Vancouver in recent months is a hallmark of the crime groups, the report said.

"Violence and intimidation are used to solidify or further a crime group's involvement within a criminal market. It is usually directed either externally against criminal rivals or internally within their own organization to maintain discipline," it said.
Not to mention the myriad criminal acts committed by the, uh... clients themselves.

Victims? What victims?
