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22 August 2008

I suppose this was inevitable

The faux-socialist son of a dead millionaire, in the employ of a taxpayer funded propaganda bureau... is gonna tell the government what they're doing wrong...
-- MONTREAL -- Canada's "aggressive" war in Afghanistan is all about "teaching lessons with weapons" and will leave nothing behind "except the blood we've lost there," the journalist son of late prime minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau said Thursday.

"We're going to have to leave the place or there'll be nothing left of us or of whatever we've done, except the blood we've lost there after we leave. So it's better we leave now."
And, of course, he has no personal axe to grind...
Mr. Trudeau said he had approached several TV networks to make a film about the country. Each one turned him down.
Unsurprisingly... like many of his compassionate, progressive pals... he is also madly in love with China.
He intends to return to Montreal "in a couple of weeks" with the nearly completed manuscript of his "labour of love," a book about China that he has been researching and writing for several years and which is to be published next spring.

"Well, perhaps he could suggest the equivalent of the NEP, something like the NOP (National Opium Program) as a means to bring the peace-loving Taliban into the fold."
"Hey Sacha, it's not an 'aggressive' war until someone breaks a nail."