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20 August 2008

I just don't get...

...that whole celebrity fame deal.

I mean, I can admire the accomplishment... but I'm not gonna change what breakfast cereal I eat... because there's a picture of Michael Phelps or Usain Bolt on the box.

It's like that whole Liberal lovefest a couple of years ago over Belinda Stronach. Sure, she'd spent some time with a personal trainer and obviously had bags of money to toss around... but she was no great mover and shaker.

Nobody ever accused her... like they do Stephen Harper... of being some sort of policy wonk. Someone once said to me... "Put her in a Tim Horton's uniform and you wouldn't look twice."

The whole "turning Tie Domi into your personal manservant" thing that seemed to impress so many folks...well, that just escapes me.

I'm thinkin' it'd be a more impressive trick... if it couldn't be performed by virtually anybody with a sixpack, a loosey-goosey moral compass... and a vagina.

The idea that there are no limits... that anything goes... seems to me to be a step in the wrong direction. Conversely... the whole nanny-state intervention thing seems equally disastrous.

I guess that's how I ended up being a Conservative.

And that's the way I'll vote this fall.
