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28 August 2008

Fixed Date Elections Bill (C-16)

- Third Reading - 6 November 2006 -

Notes for an Address by the Honourable Robert Nicholson Leader of the Government in the House of Commons and Minister for Democratic Reform


* Mr. Speaker, some Opposition members had concerns that this bill is illusory in that the Prime Minister can call an election at any point up until the fixed date for the election.

* However, Mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister has to retain his prerogative to advise dissolution to allow for situations when the government loses the confidence of the House.

* This is a fundamental principle of our system of responsible government.

* Moreover, if the bill were to indicate that the Prime Minister could only advise dissolution in the event of a loss of confidence, it would have to define ‘confidence’ and the dissolution of the House of Commons would be justiciable in the courts – something that we certainly do not want.
(h/t reader rich)


"Aw come on, everyone knows the Prime Minister is breaking the law. The Liberal Party says so, and they would never, ever mislead people - remember when they warned us that Harper was going to put soldiers in our cities with guns, they were right about that, right?"