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28 August 2008

Even the junkies know...

...this really isn't about their salvation...
These are the people to whom Insite really matters; not the drug addicts themselves, but the bureaucrats and politicians who will have smaller empires if Insite is closed.

They are selling Insite to the public on the basis that harm reduction represents the compassionate way to deal with addiction.

They are the empathy industry.

FROM THE COMMENTS: A question for Stephane Dion
"My 17 year old son has been charged with trafficking crack cocaine..."
And, Roblaw continues...
"The resounding advice, from former addicts, dealers and their families, was you have to force them to hit rock bottom before they will get it."

"As hard as it was, my son was out of the home, was hiring his own lawyer (even though I am a lawyer with criminal lawyers in my office) and while I have told him I love him, I have told him he is not welcome in my home until he has shown that he has turned his life around."
I can't imagine the courage it must have taken to do this.

Read it all.
