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18 August 2008

"Enormous strides in recent years?"

It's true... China hasn't used tanks and machineguns on a few thousand of their own citizens in the last little while... but, seriously, isn't that setting the geopolitical bar a little on the low side?

Also, I've just gotta say... I'm not sure I need human rights advice from a guy who apparently thinks the Dalai Lama is one of the bad guys.
"To make a broad statement is easy," he said. "Of course, Tibet is a problem. But Tibet has been a province for them for a long, long time. To make the Dalai Lama an honourary citizen of Canada was not a compliment to China."
See, that's the thing Jean... it's actually not about sucking up to China.

It's about doing the right thing.


"Mo Strong's enabler and fixer has been wheeled out to remind us that Canada (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Power Corporation) has strayed and must be brought back in to line."
And, more specifically...
From Friday's Globe and Mail

February 6, 2004 at 6:51 AM EDT

Beijing — Less than two months after stepping down as prime minister, Jean Chretien is moving quickly to forge a relationship with China's wealthiest and most powerful business conglomerate.

Making a surprisingly speedy entrance onto the global business stage, Mr. Chretien will arrive in China this weekend with a team of Power Corp. executives to meet some of China's most influential business leaders.
Whole article in the comments.


Your Liberal Party in action...
"To his credit, Peter Worthington wasn't afraid to mention the Sidewinder report in an op-ed in 2005."

"If anyone has the link to the once available surviving copy of the original Sidewinder report (officially ordered destroyed by the Chretien government), let me know, and I'll rehost them myself."