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16 August 2008

Egalitarian? As opposed to what?

Is there actually some sort of national dialogue about taking small children away from their parents... and turning them into... for example... single-purpose gymnastics machines?
There was a public soul-searching that had become almost traditional in the first week of an Olympics, questioning whether there was enough funding of sport or whether money is being spent properly or whether the Canadian government's egalitarian approach to sport is the right way to produce champions.
Now, bear in mind, I'm just spitballin' here... but the next time I walk into an emergency room with a sick fevered child... and I don't have to spend seven and a half hours waiting to see a doctor... that's when I'll start breakin' out the champagne and party hats.

Turning kids into facsimiles of thoroughbred racehorses isn't even on my radar.
