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06 August 2008

Chalk up another one

Fuzzy-bunny political correctness... it's a killer...
Irwin Elman, chief advocate for the Office of the Provincial Advocate for Children and Youth, said: "There are a number of points of protection and they all failed for Katelynn. Child Welfare has what's thought to be a pretty strict screening process."

That process generally includes a background check and a home inspection. But Donna Irving has "violent crimes on her record," Det. Sgt. Ryan said.
So, rather than this being a case of "a system failure"... it appears it was a case of "circumventing the system" entirely. And why would anyone break the rules designed to protect children?

Well, it appears to be just another case of "special rules for special people."
A spokesperson for CAS said confidentiality restrictions prevented discussion of Katelynn's case and referred reporters to the Native Child and Family Services agency.

"We are particularly concerned that Native Child and Family Services had something to do with the placement of Katelynn with Donna Irving," said Kenn Richard, the agency's executive director, adding that an internal review was being conducted.
Let's just stop all the pee-cee bullshit.

One people... one law.


UPDATE: A "criminal record" is deductible?
Little Katelynn Angel Sampson was repeatedly signed away by her mother to a caregiver with a troubled criminal past.

Court documents obtained by the Sun provide new details on the custody relationship between accused murderer Donna Irving and Katelynn's mother Bernice Sampson.

On paper, Irving, 29, appeared to be fighting for full custody of the 7-year-old girl she's charged with murdering inside her Parkdale apartment early Sunday but nowhere in those documents is her trail of criminal convictions from assault with a weapon, to public intoxication.