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02 August 2008

Boy... that's one merciless deity

Once again, the capricious and unknowable "Will of Allah."
-- KANDAHAR -- A road mine blasted a bus carrying a wedding party in southern Afghanistan on Saturday, killing the bride, groom and eight other civilians, a police official said.

Provincial police chief Matiullah Khan blamed Taliban militants for planting the explosive in Spin Boldak district of the southern Kandahar province. He said 10 civilians were killed and six were wounded, and that children were among the victims.

RELATED: Ayman... say it isn't so
The letter refers to Sheikh Dr Ayman al-Zawahiri by name, and says that he is in “severe pain” and his “injuries are infected”. It is reportedly written by local Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud whose signature and seal are visible on the letter, added the paper.

Experts have confirmed that the Taliban logo and the Mehsud’s seal are legitimate. The letter is dated July 29, one day after a US air strike that killed al-Qaida weapons expert Abu Khabab al-Masri, and five other Arabs in South Waziristan.