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02 August 2008

Belleville: Hooker Update

This probably seems like small beer to those of you living in a larger metropolitan locale... but out here, folks are all in a lather...
Earlier this week, police chief Steve Tanner announced his force was coming up with a policy of charging and releasing the names of anyone caught offering money for sex after three women in in recent days were charged with soliciting in separate incidents in the downtown area.

“The profession is not going to go away, but to look at the deterrent aspect of it another way is to look at the customers and see what we can do to deter them from being a customer,” he said.
You live in a city with a couple of million people... chances are you're pretty anonymous.

When you live in a city of 50,000, it's a whole other ball game.

The reality is, everybody around here knows who runs the local businesses and who works where. People get wind of your nasty habits... it ain't just your home life that takes a hit... because out here in the sticks, there's still such a thing as a public shaming.

This oughta be interesting.
