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12 July 2008

You've just gotta love... this guy's utter incompetence is being soft-pedaled as "confusion."
-- OTTAWA -- A claim by former diplomat James Bartleman that Ottawa had advance warning of the 1985 Air India bombing was initially troubling, but ultimately confused and wrong, say government lawyers.

The federal Justice Department , in a written brief made public Thursday, berates Bartleman for "some of the most surprising and, it is submitted, inaccurate testimony at the inquiry."
But why on earth would he get such a soft ride in the media?
Bartleman, who was head of intelligence analysis at Foreign Affairs at the time of the bombing, went on to serve as an adviser to Jean Chretien during his term as prime minister and later as lieutenant-governor of Ontario.
Okay... that explains a few things... a Liberal political appointee.


RELATED: Where do they get this shit?

Globe and Mail grandly pronounces...
"It's impossible to conquer the Afghans"
Apparently, Stephen Harper is now coveting the Afghan throne.

Who are the hippie freaks who come up with this drivel?
