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06 July 2008

"You don't need a weatherman..."

"Not since the 19th-century concert of nations, when reactionary conservatives like Metternich, Talleyrand and Wellington stamped hard on liberal and proto-labour politics that challenged kings and emperors, has Europe seen so many right-wing politicians ruling the roost."

RELATED: And then, of course, there's Great Britain
Broadly speaking, I don’t particularly care what metaphysical hang-ups a person has, provided those mental ticks are, as it were, kept off my lawn.

If people wish to be a little bonkers and neurotic, that doesn’t usually trouble me. But expecting others to indulge those neuroses or defer to them - and then cheerily subsidise them too - is, well, pushing it a little.

That isn’t piety or anything close to piety; that’s just parasitic arrogance.