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18 July 2008

Yeah sure, Ujjal

Let's just save time and assume these guys are cold-blooded killers.
Newly released RCMP e-mails (which were obtained by the CBC) show that the police force's leader, Commissioner William Elliott, made supportive calls to four RCMP officers just after a video of the incident was made public.
And Ujjal Dosanjh, the people's champion.... is horrified.

So I guess now, at the first whiff of trouble... the cops are supposed to toss their fellow officers overboard, huh?
Liberal MP Ujjal Dosanjh said it was inappropriate given the possibility of disciplinary action or a police investigation in relation to the death of Robert Dziekanski.

"Given that potential, I believe that Mr. Elliott's conduct is entirely inappropriate," Mr. Dosanjh said.
Or, Mr. Dosanjh... perhaps you should be working for Daniel Ortega.

Choose wisely, my friend.
