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05 July 2008

Will Thabo Mbeki bring this up...

When he lunches with his "bestest" buddy Robert Mugabe?
A British newspaper says secret footage taken at a Zimbabwean prison shows how a supporter of President Robert Mugabe rigged the country's June 27 runoff election.

The Guardian newspaper says former prison guard Shepherd Yuda shot the film for the newspaper six days before the presidential run-off vote and smuggled it out of Zimbabwe. It also shows a prominent leader of the opposition Movement for Democratic Change, Tendai Biti, in leg irons.
This just keeps getting better.
In other news, The Washington Post newspaper reports Saturday that Mr. Mugabe initially planned to give up power after losing the first round of the election.

The Post, citing sources at a key meeting, says military officials convinced Mr. Mugabe to remain in power by using the army to rig a run-off election.
I'm just waiting for the leftosphere to blame it all on George Bush.
