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16 July 2008

This is the type of freak...

...the phrase... "shot and pissed on"... was invented for.
He killed 43 people and got a chance to redeem himself, but he squandered it and went back to jail under the double stigma of being a snitch and a child molester.
The inmates truly are running the asylum.
Now terminally ill, Yves (Apache) Trudeau has received parole again, in perhaps the last chapter in the life of one of Canada's most cold-blooded killers.

The former Hells Angels hit man is dying from bone-marrow cancer and receiving palliative care.
Only in Canada.


RELATED: And while we're on surreal...

...guess who could get charged with "war crimes."
-- BOGOTA, Colombia (CNN) -- Colombian military intelligence used the Red Cross emblem in a rescue operation in which leftist guerrillas were duped into handing over 15 hostages, according to unpublished photographs and video viewed by CNN.
(h/t tim blair)