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30 July 2008

So who's watching the CBC?

If we actually have a similar oversight authority here in Canada... I sure haven't seen any evidence of it...
The BBC has been fined £400,000 by media watchdog Ofcom for misleading its audiences by "faking" phone-ins. The Comic Relief, Children in Need and Sport Relief TV shows were caught up in the scandal, along with Liz Kershaw on 6 Music and Jo Whiley's Radio 1 show.

In July 2007, Ofcom fined the BBC £50,000 after children's programme Blue Peter falsified the results of a contest during a live show. The BBC later suspended all competitions after an inquiry unearthed a fresh batch of faked phone-ins the same month.
And please don't tell me it's all up to the the CBC Ombudsman...
The BBC's own watchdog, the BBC Trust, said it regretted the loss of licence-fee payers' money as a result of the fine, which followed rule-breaches which were "serious, deliberate and, in some cases, repeated".

"Well, since nobody is watching the CBC, and I mean NOBODY, who cares?"