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12 July 2008

So, somebody help me out here

"The driver in a cottage country crash that killed himself and two friends was remembered today as a smiley, happy-go-lucky young man who left a trail of laughter wherever he went."
I just don't understand the whole "turn this kid into a media hero" thing. This entire event revolves around lethal criminal behaviour.
"Police confirmed today speed and alcohol were factors in the crash."
While this is undeniably a tragedy for this boy's family and friends... let's remember he also ended up snuffing out two other young lives. Does that fact register with anybody but me?

If, for instance... as a result of too much speed and alcohol, he had mowed three people down with his car and killed them... we, the larger field of folk, would be, at this very moment, vilifying him for his actions. Indeed, we would be looking to toss his ass in jail.

It seems though, if you kill yourself in the bargain... you get some sort of instant, automatic ethical pass. And that's just wrong.

I don't get it.


RELATED: In Dalton McSlippery's socialist Ontario...

...apparently, there's no such thing as a bad boy.
Two teens whose racing resulted in the death of a cabbie should have been imprisoned for three years, not "grounded" at their parents' upscale homes, the Court of Appeal heard yesterday.

LAST WORD: Well, whaddaya know...

...the Globe decides to take a more "discriminating stance."
Mr. Mulcahy, it was discovered, had previously been convicted for speeding - driving 127 kilometres an hour in an 80-km/h zone - and on Canada Day was charged with public drunkenness.

One of his passengers, Cory Mintz, had been charged with traffic offences six times since 2005, including driving 150 km/h in a 100-km/h zone.

Kourosh Totonchian, the other passenger, had also been cited for public drunkenness as well as being twice convicted of speeding, once for doing 91 km/h in a 50-km/h zone.
Now... do any of these offences deserve the death penalty?

Of course not.

But let's not pretend that anybody who really knew these guys, couldn't imagine them starring in this sort of horrific, nightmarish scenario.
