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15 July 2008

So, according to the Globe...

...this young man can first be characterised as a vigilante... then ridiculed as a parody of a comic book character.
-- VANCOUVER -- An eye-gouging fistfight between a good Samaritan and a purse snatcher has prompted Vancouver police to offer qualified support for "vigilante action", suggesting citizens should feel free to "indulge their inner Batman" if they have the martial and physical skills to prevail against bad guys.
Well... at least there's no confusion about where they stand.

I couldn't initially get my head around the apparent role-reversal in this so-called reporting. Apparently, according the Globe & Mail, the man who committed the criminal act is suddenly, magically... the victim of a vigilante.

To my mind, it's no different from the Canadian media using the ubiquitous image of 13 year-old Omar Khadr (what... they couldn't find a baby picture?) every time they go to bat for his jihadi ass... or mindlessly celebrating aboriginal thugs like Shawn Brant and Steve Powless.

What is happening to Canada?

I fear for my country.
