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13 July 2008

Pay no attention... that man behind the curtain...
An "epidemic" of high-profile knife attacks involving youth in the U.K. has police and government authorities perplexed as to the cause -- and what can be done.

The statistics seem grim as 20 teenagers have died violently in London alone this year, with knives often being involved.

And in one 24-hour period this week, five people were killed nationwide after being stabbed with a knife.

The death rate from knife crimes is nearly double what it was at this time last year and hospitals say the number of children under 16-year-old being treated for stab wounds is up nearly two thirds.
But don't you fret... everything's obviously under control.
The government notes that violent crime is at its lowest level in two decades.
That sounds so familiar.


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Maybe they can make murderers send flowers to funerals, too.
Young people who carry knives will be made to visit hospitals where stabbing victims are treated, in a bid to shock them into changing their behaviour.

Home Secretary Jacqui Smith said seeing "gruesome" injuries would be a tougher deterrent than sending all knife carriers in England and Wales to jail.

The Tories said more knife carriers should go to prison and the Lib Dems called Ms Smith's plans "half-baked".