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20 July 2008

Obamic Infallibility

DAVID BROOKS: I would also say, I mean, he will confront the effects of the surge.

And, you know, Obama went on TV when the surge was being debated. And he said, "The surge will not reduce violence. The troops just won't do it."

Now he says, you know, "I always believed that we would reduce violence with the surge."
And this is my pet peeve with all politicians. Admit a mistake. Just once say, oh, I had this judgment.

JUDY WOODRUFF: Does that hurt him not to do that, do you think?

DAVID BROOKS: Well, political consultants are all geniuses. They must know what they are doing.

But I think most people see the surge as having at least a significant success, if not a total success. Acknowledge that fact.

Why not be a normal human being?

UPDATE: Now he's changing the U.S. contitution?
"But, why is it that Tapper is seemingly the only denizen of the MSM ever willing to bring out these stories? Why does the MSM so constantly give the Obamessiah a pass?"

"I’ll bet you can say why."
(via sda)