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30 July 2008

More international arse-kissing

Somebody explain it to me again... why does the international community quietly put up with this sort of assault on personal freedoms?
-- BEIJING -- Some International Olympic Committee officials cut a deal to let China block sensitive Web sites despite promises of unrestricted access, a senior IOC official admitted today.
And the most galling thing is... they look you right in the face and lie.
China had committed to providing media with the same freedom to report on the Games as they enjoyed at previous Olympics, but journalists have this week complained of finding access to sites deemed sensitive to its communist leadership blocked.
Once again... the Great Firewall of China.
Are Western companies engaging in censorship in China?

Yes. Products such as and adhere to the rules of official Chinese censorship. In other words, not everything you search for with is available.

These companies argue that if you wish to do business in a particular country, you must obey its rules.

RELATED: A long history of Western complicity...
U.S.-based Cisco Systems and Canadian-based Nortel Networks are working closely with the People's Armed Police developing oppressive and intrusive computer systems to monitor, track and prosecute illegal Internet web browsers.

Nortel has contracts with Datang Telecom, a Chinese firm that works closely with the Chinese Ministry of State Security. Nortel has provided its "Personal Internet" suite to the MSS, allowing authorities to monitor and track nearly half of China's individual Internet users.

Nortel is currently working with the communist authorities in Shanghai to build a "Shasta 5000" firewall. The firewall allows the red thought police to monitor and track subscribers who access Internet web sites judged inappropriate by the communist government.

"Seriously, this is like Lucy and Charlie Brown and the football. Every time..."