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01 July 2008

Mending... or Rending?

“As Canadians we would like to see the Order of Canada given to people whose contributions to such initiatives as charity, education, culture, the environment, things of that kind that are uniformly viewed as positive and tend to unite people,” she said.

“With this choice, the one thing that everybody really agrees on about Morgentaler is that he is a very divisive figure.”
Happy Canada Day.


Liberal deputy House leader Marlene Jennings - "It's a wonderful day for Canadian women and for women's rights."

Toronto NDP MP Olivia Chow - "It's a great celebration.”

Governor General Michaëlle Jean - "He was awarded for his commitment to increased health care options for women, his determined efforts to influence Canadian public policy and his leadership in humanist and civil liberties organization.”

Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion - "I think we should all respect and celebrate the decisions of the panel and the Governor-General.”

Dimitri Soudas, Prime Minister's spokesperson - "The Conservative Government is not involved in either deliberations or decisions with respect to which individuals are appointed to the Order of Canada."

LAST WORD: "Diversity and Excellence"

A celebration of abortion.
