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31 July 2008

It's a start... Fiberals try to firm up their non-existent "tough on crime" credentials...
Kicking trouble-making tenants out of public housing could get a lot easier if the province embraces landmark private member's legislation coming this fall, but whether Toronto Community Housing will embrace the measure isn't clear.

Under the proposed legislation, tenants tired of neighbours dealing crack, hiding guns or prostituting could complain to a provincial investigator, who could evict the tenant or close the property -- faster than current provincial legislation allows.
And how does Toronto Community Housing respond?
"(SCAN) legislation may lead to further stigmatization of Toronto Community Housing as a consequence of the potential for an increase in negative media coverage."
You do have to ask who exactly is being stigmatized...
Councillor Michael Thompson said more than 50% of all murders in Toronto over the past several years have happened on or near TCH property.

Over the last five years, TCH has initiated 50-gun related eviction proceedings. Six of those tenants have been evicted; 12 left voluntarily; 14 were settlements; five were appealed; six are pending; one was dismissed, and six were withdrawn or not filed.
Sorry, folks... a little difficult to sympathise here.

Use a gun, you're done.
