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24 July 2008

Is CTV a Canadian company?

I just listened to parts of Barack Obama's speech in Germany... and was especially incensed when Obama urged the Germans to step up and do more in Afghanistan.

"We can't do it alone," he thunders... completely ignoring Canada's contribution to the war.

Strangely enough... that seems to be the one part CTV doesn't include in their report on the speech.

I guess it didn't exactly fit in with their canonisation of St. Barack.

Funny how that works.


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On Thursday evening in a glittering Berlin, Mr. Obama delivered a tone poem to American and European ideals and shared history.

But he was vague on crucial issues of trade, defense and foreign policy that currently divide Washington from Europe and are likely to continue to do so even if he becomes president.

Mr. Obama indulged in “some pro-German demagogy on nuclear weapons to get applause,” Mr. VĂ©drine said. But he said Mr. Obama’s call for more European engagement in Afghanistan would not go over so well.