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26 July 2008

In homegrown terrorist news...

Yeah... I'm shocked.
-- KANESATAKE, Que. -- Kanesatake Mohawks barricaded a Quebec highway early Saturday following an intervention by the Quebec provincial police.

Police say 12 to 15 individuals blocked Highway 344 near the town of Oka by dragging trees into the road and setting them on fire.
Funnily enough, on the very same spot some noble mohawk warrior shot Corporal Marcel Lemay in the face... ending his life.

Good times, huh fellas?


RELATED: Not just another blockade
-- MONTREAL -- Police cars were rammed by Mohawks on Friday night in events leading up to the barricade of a highway near Oka, Que., Journal de Montreal reports.

Kanesatake has been in the news since 1990 when a land dispute over native burial grounds sparked the 78-day Oka Crisis.
And these thugs don't just target cops...
In 2004 and 2005, violence erupted over a dispute related to local policing during which former Chief James Gabriel's house was burned down.