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19 July 2008

From the people who brought you...

...the hostage crisis in Caledonia...
On Friday, natives at the Fen Ridge construction site were joined by Dawn Smith who, along with Janie Jamieson, started the protest more than two years ago that took over Caledonia's Douglas Creek Estates.

They set up a large teepee at the edge of the Hampton Inn hotel site on Fen Ridge Court after successfully halting construction of the nearby Kingspan Insulation warehouse and headquarters.

Meanwhile, there are rumbles of concern among city councillors that Kingspan officials are re-examining plans to build in the city. There's talk the Irish firm plans to pull out if the protesters are still around the site on Monday.

Both projects are included in a temporary injunction granted to city to stop native protests from holding up development.
Time to bring in Julian Fantino and the Public Order Unit.
