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28 July 2008

First, we kill all the pilgrims

There must be some sort of... however twisted... logic here -- but I've gotta say, I sure don't get it...
Reuters television showed police, firemen and other workers washing blood and clearing debris from the street at the scene of one of blasts. A Reuters witness saw workers collecting pieces of flesh and body parts.

The blasts occurred near the Karrada district in central Baghdad, an area many pilgrims would pass through on their way to the shrine. Gunmen killed seven pilgrims in southern Baghdad on Sunday as they made their way to the shrine on foot.
If you're willing to slaughter "the faithful"... what exactly are your plans for the unbelievers?

You guys got a new level of horrific on tap?


RELATED: A long, long way, baby...

...yeah... we're talking about the splatter...
Police say three female suicide bombers blew themselves up during the pilgrimage in Baghdad killing at least 28 people, including children, and wounding more than 90 others.
Feminism... Iraqi style.


UPDATE: Looks like four female bombers
Such attacks are becoming increasingly common, even as overall violence is at the lowest level in four years.

Women are more easily able to hide explosives under their all-encompassing black Islamic robes, or abayas, and often are not searched at checkpoints because of sensitivities.
That sensitivity... "it's a killer."