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08 July 2008

Crime rates plummetting?

Not in one very significant demographic...
The latest tabulations by StatsCan, focusing on research compiled in 2006, shows that violent crime among young people aged 12 to 17 has increased 12% in the last decade, and 30% since 1991.
And it's not just violent crime... it's crime with a weapon.
According to police-reported data, the use of guns by youth falling under the umbrella of the YCJA has increased 32% since 2002 -- with three-quarters of the incidents involving robbery or assault, and with the rates of gun violence among youth being the per-capita highest in Toronto and Saskatoon.
And guess what, Mayor Miller... you can't solve it by going after farmers, hunters and target shooters.

They're just not the people pullin' the triggers here.


RELATED: Officer... arrest those scoundrels!!!
At one end of an Olympic career is Susan Nattrass, who at 57 has been shooting trap competitively for longer than most Olympic athletes have been alive.

At the other end is Guiseppe Di Salvatore, 18, young and brash and, like Nattrass, among one of the best shots in the world.