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01 July 2008

Canada Day

A fitting occasion... to celebrate this particular legal decision...
A contentious, court-ordered publication ban was lifted at 5 p.m. last night, allowing the Citizen and other news media to report that Mohammed Sidique Khan, leader of the suicide bombers who murdered 52 London commuters, associated and trained with the same British terror cell to which Momin Khawaja allegedly belonged.

The connections and organization between the two terror cells and the presence of shadowy, senior al-Qaeda figures directing them from afar negated initial police and government assessments that the groups were homegrown and independent.
But this is Canada, right? Surely we're exempt from all that nasty terrorism stuff.

Think again, my fellow citizens.
Mr. Khawaja, a Canadian of Pakistani descent, is on trial here by judge alone as the alleged Canadian connection to the Crevice plot.

He stands accused, among other terrorism crimes, of building radio-wave devices in the basement of his Ottawa home that would remotely activate detonators, setting off a high-explosive mixture of ammonium nitrate and aluminum powder.