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02 July 2008

Beat me, whip me...

...make me write tax cheques...And BC's getting a lovin' spoonful of that government funded salvation...
British Columbia's new carbon tax kicked in today, adding an extra 2.4 cents a litre to gas prices. The gas tax plan will be phased in over five years, rising to 7.24 cents per litre by 2012.

The fee will be on top of the 3.5-cent-per-litre gasoline tax British Columbians already pay to help fund transportation projects.
Let us know how that one works out for you, huh?


RELATED: Don't spend it all... one gas station...
For Mr. Campbell, who can only afford to lose six of his 46 seats and still hold power, general support for the Liberals has essentially held steady in the past year and hasn't been sunk by the carbon tax.

But to assuage voters, cheques of $100 have been sent to British Columbians, with some of them quickly spending the money on a tank of gas.

LAST WORD: As they say, "No good deed..."
"Initially, I was torn between two options."

"Option 1: take the cheque outside, set it on fire, and enjoy the fleeting moment of seeing just that much more CO2 wafting up into the atmosphere."

"Option 2: use the money to fill my tank, and then embark on a completely useless, unnecessary trip to burn up the gasoline."