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08 July 2008

And that's why...

...we call him "Special K"...
"But if you think getting a donation for my legal defence fund from the CJC is weird, how about this: I received a letter of support from someone who works at Daisy Consulting Group -- Kinsella's own lobby firm!"

"It was a brief note, but it was a note of support, sent from the company e-mail, with the corporate signature block on it."

"I couldn't believe it. My first reaction was that it might be some sort of trick, but that was just me thinking like, well, Kinsella. It was sincere -- and I appreciated it."
I guess somebody's gonna be "Kicking Ass in Canadian Politics, er... the next staff meeting!"


UPDATE: How the mighty have fallen, yet again

He's gone from hunting Nazis... to trying to flush the "office mole."
No one sent him any such email (unless, of course, he concocted a "fake mailer" email to himself) . If he had it, he'd publish it.

LAST WORD: "Kicking Ass in Canadian Fairy Tales"
