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19 June 2008

Well... at least we know...

...what side they're on.
-- HAMILTON -- Hamilton's gay pride festival says it banned the Canadian military this year over alleged human rights violations around the world.

Festival organizers say they banned the military this year because they received a complaint from a new Canadian who feared the military because of previous persecution by soldiers.
Uh, guys... wouldn't this sorta be like banning African immigrants... because you're afraid of Robert Mugabe?

Just askin'.


RELATED: How come we're always playin' defense?
"A prime minister for our times would recognize that, while he’s saying sorry for residential schools, his entire country is being turned into a residential school."

"He’d notice the censorious state’s intrusions into contemporary life under the pretext of 'public hygiene' or 'human rights'."

"He’d apologize for the cultural arrogance of Canada’s hate - or health-police trying to tell editors what to put into their periodicals, clergymen into their sermons, or parents into their mouths."
(via shaidle)