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08 June 2008

That's where you're wrong, friend...

You're plenty different from just about everybody else these days...
"I got back in my pickup, grabbed a drink of water, got my thoughts straight. I noticed my shoulder was dislocated. I managed to pop it in myself and thought I'd better go and get some help."

He drove to the nearby community of Iskut for medical treatment.

Shorter escaped the attack with what he called minor injuries. He received 40 stitches, and suffered a broken hand and multiple puncture wounds.

"You know, if you're in that situation, all you can do is fight for all you got. I mean, I don't think I'm any different from anyone else."
Somebody has to introduce this guy to the "Sockpuppet 3."



Later at the hospital Shorter was charged with unlawful transportation of a firearm...

RELATED: And speaking of something different

I've joined the Atheist Blogroll.

Not a week goes by here... that someone doesn't accuse me of being a fundamentalist Christian neo-conservative zealot.

Now anybody who actually follows the blog regularly, knows I'm a very ex-Roman Catholic.

I guess I think of myself as a non-religious social conservative. But I figured it was time to actually just use the word "atheist."

Now, I don't look down on people with religious beliefs... in truth, I suppose on some level, everybody really wants to be a believer. Life everlasting... who couldn't get with that? And those commandments... no killing, no stealing... hands off the other guy's wife... those are pretty good rules.

But, alas... I just can't quite make the big leap into that "faith thing."

So that's why I'm here.

I'm looking forward to some lively discussions.
