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02 June 2008

Save us, oh wonderful CBC...

A pox upon, er... within your house.
In Canada, 2002-06 figures compiled by the Canadian Hospitals Injury Reporting and Prevention Program (CHIRPP) from 15 hospitals across the country show about 1,500 children were hurt in bunk-bed mishaps during that period.
And it's actually worse than you're thinking... says the safety-conscious CEEB.
The actual figure is likely higher, however, since most of the 15 reporting centres are pediatric hospitals, so injuries suffered by older teens and young adults aren't captured in the data.

Not surprisingly, the majority of those injuries were linked to the top bunk and a big proportion were ladder-related.
Good grief... time for a public enquiry.


"While you are correct that it is a CP piece, CBC selectively reposts CP articles... think of it as a really expensive lefty blog."
Ban the CBC!

Also, all children should be placed in rubber rooms and fed soft food - we can't be too careful with the precious snowflakes!