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03 June 2008


The absolute, bar none, highlight of DAY 1 -- Try to imagine a world... populated entirely by self-involved, over-agitated toddlers...
-- 3:50 PM -- "Back from a break, as the tribunal members wrestle with yet another ruling on admissibility in the absence of rules of evidence.

They’ve decided again to sort-of admit questioning about the “impact,” not of Steyn’s article, but of various, mostly obscure blogs who were allegedly “inspired” by Steyn’s piece."

"Understand: we’re now to be subjected to the state’s inquisition, not for anything that appeared in the magazine, but for whatever lunatic ramblings might appear anywhere in the blogosphere!"
I'm right there with ya, Khurrum...
Please don't go, no, no, no, no, no...
It hurts so bad
It makes me feel, it makes me feel so bad
Don't make me hurt so bad
I'm begging you, please

See... that's the problem right there...

You keep expecting it to make sense.
"My biggest beef was as a BC TAXPAYER having to watch a trial conducted by three smirking losers about four Ontario students who were offended by what they read in a magazine published in Ontario with the primary lawyers being from Ontario."

"And then Khurrum Awan mentions Ontario's Five Feet of Fury and TVO as the blogs which caused his sensitive feelings to be hurt."

"I am having trouble finding a BC connection here."

RELATED: And speaking of self-indulgent claptrap
“We already have a lot of safe consumption sites in the city of Toronto,” Councillor Gord Perks pointed out. “They're called bars.”

True enough. But last time I checked, alcohol was legal. Most people don't have to steal or sell sex to get it. In general, it enhances lives. Nor is it supplied by gangster cartels.

Perhaps Mr. Perks really does think a hit of crack is no worse than a nice glass of pinot, in which case I'd love to know what kinds of chats he has with his teenage kids.