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13 June 2008

The Power of Cherniak

Don't underestimate the magical powers of The Elfin One... he can piss off people who don't even live in this country...
"I'm an American lawyer for whom this blog is an alternate universe, one Orwell might have imagined on a really bad drug trip."

"But hey--that's free speech, no? What I want to know is whether any of you, especially Mr. Cherniak, can tell me how I can violate Canada's speech laws. I'll happily submit to the jurisdiction of one of your amusing little tribunals if I'm charged."

"Here's a shot: "People unwilling to abide the speech of others, even if it's highly offensive and, in the perception of the person hearing it utterly false, are incipient fascists who have to have their appetite for oppression curbed, if necessary by whatever degree of force is required."

"I hate such people."

"Is that "hate speech"?"

"If not, what must I add to quality?"
Oh... gawd... take... deep breaths... wipe... away... tears.
