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02 June 2008

Please God... just waterboard me

-- 10:26 AM -- "Oh God: they’re talking about who they’ll be calling on Friday. Five days in a windowless room."

"If that’s not a human rights violation..."

-- 11:16 AM -- "Incidentally, if you’re wondering why these dispatches are so (uncharacteristically) terse, I’m having to write on a Blackberry—there’s no wi-fi in here."

"Not to mention light, air, water..."

-- 12:11 PM -- "Breaking for lunch now. Also air conditioning, deodorant, elbow room, etc."

"El-Misery cracks me up. I cannot believe he hired a Christian professor to demonstrate 'that Steyn has misunderstood the relationship between the Koran and Islamic society'."

"Why didn’t he call on his good pal Imam Ali Hindy (of polygamy fame) to make the case?"

"After all it is at Ali Hindy’s mosque that Elmasry gives his painful sermons."