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11 June 2008

Pay me now...

And pay me later...
Just as Elmasry's fascist attack on Maclean's has set back Muslim-Gentile relations, by portraying all Muslims as a bunch of Saudi-style wackos, Lund undermines the credibility of the gay lobby, by painting it as an illiberal bunch of bullies, who can hardly wait to start "punishing" people as an act of vengeance for their own grievances.

That's the shame of these human rights commissions: they reward and foster a sense of victimology and grievance.

RELATED: Speaking of bullies
"My parents are much better behaved than I am. Had some neckless bouncer come on my property and refused to leave, I would have called the police. Not my sweet parents -- they're old fashioned, and believe in being courteous, even to bullies."