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30 June 2008

Not the Queen's English

Obviously, another blatant case of not enough "social workers."
-- LONDON -- A British high school student has received credit for writing nothing but a two-word expletive on an exam paper because the phrase expressed meaning and was spelled correctly.
These days, in this uber-enlightened age, there is apparently no such thing as a bad boy.
"The example cited was unique in the experience of the senior examiner concerned and was used in a pre-training session to emphasize the importance of adhering to the mark scheme: i.e. if a candidate makes any sort of response to a question then it must be at least given consideration to be awarded a mark."

RELATED: Speaking of stiff... er... upper lip
-- LONDON -- Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in Britons aged over 45 has more than doubled in less than a decade, a report said Monday, blaming in part Internet dating and drugs that counter erectile dysfunction.

Men in the 55-59 age bracket were more likely to have an STD than anyone else, while rates were highest in women aged 45 to 54, the study published in the Sexually Transmitted Infections magazine said.

They said that as people with more liberal sexual attitudes got older, the situation was likely to get worse.

LAST WORD: It's not all bad news

Check out Britain's answer to Al Gore...
-- LONDON -- Reports out of London say Prince Charles' income grew last year even as his carbon footprint shrank, thanks in part to an Aston Martin that runs on a byproduct of wine.

For domestic travel, the prince's Jaguars, Audi and Range Rover now run entirely on biodiesel made from used cooking oil, and his 38-year-old Aston Martin is fuelled by bioethanol from surplus wine.
All that on an annual income of only 32 million dollars.

Simply amazing.
