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27 June 2008

More hurtful words

Did you hear the one about the obnoxious, whiny, drunken... ahhhhh, never mind...


UPDATE: Ezra has the latest
"Finally, we have some top talent looking into the matter of what is or isn't funny. Forget about Jerry Seinfeld or Jay Leno; we've got the dour sourpusses at the HRCs on the file."

"Once they come up with the magic recipe, wannabe comedians around the world will simply have to follow the instructions of the HRCs, and -- presto! -- the laughs will follow."

"At least that's the logic of a government agency that seeks to be the arbiter of what is or isn't funny."
And you've gotta love it when he gets right down to the nitty-gritty...
If a lesbian tells a joke about lesbians, and it's not funny, do you still have to laugh?

"If you don't, is that discrimination?"
Gotta love it.
