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07 June 2008

It ain't the scandal...

...that usually kills you... it's the cover-up...
"CHRC Transcript Irregularities"

-- "Explosive testimony by CHRC Investigator Dean Steacy on Richard Warman is missing from Transcript!" --
Smoking gun, anyone?


RELATED: Hell... what do I know...

Let's ask a lawyer...
This is important for two reasons:

1. It confirms that the CHRC's word cannot be taken at face value on anything -- even official-looking documents, such as transcripts. It isn't the first time the CHRC has tried to brazen its way through a falsehood.

2. The deleted sentences are essential to proving that Richard Warman, the CHRC's former employee and currently its largest customer, lied under oath to the tribunal.

Don't take my word for it that this is critically important. The CHRC has gone to incredible lengths to keep the information at the March 25th hearing out of the public eye.