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10 June 2008

The importance of...

Getting a second opinion...
An alleged plot by Italian doctors to carry out unnecessary operations in order to make more money has led to the death of five patients, police say.

Investigators say staff at the clinic falsified medical tests in order to get the go-ahead for the operations. In some cases, they say, staff boosted their monthly income by as much as 25,000 euros (£20,000).

RELATED: Meanwhile, back at the ranch
A Hamilton doctor who admitted having sex with two women he was treating for mental illness had his "permanently" lifted licence reinstated yesterday by the province's medical watchdog.

Waxman, who said he wants to work at a Toronto clinic, should practice only five hours a day, totalling 20 hours per week at first, panel head Dr. Marc Gabel said.

Short hours at first will mean the doctor "will not be under stress," he said.
No such thing as "a bad boy" in Ontario.
