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11 June 2008

I know it's not as entertaining...

As promiscuous, large-breasted biker chicks... but back in the world of actually governing and setting policy... Beloved Supreme Leader Dion is busily engineering another trainwreck...
Stéphane Dion is delaying the launch of his carbon-tax plan over resistance from some caucus members who fear he will botch the selling of the proposal.

Understandably, this has made many Grits nervous; explaining a carbon-tax plan is technical and difficult enough. It is complicated by the fact that Mr. Dion is not regarded as a good communicator.

"I think there is a concern that the communication is so weak that it will never get properly launched. That is the problem," says a senior Liberal insider."

"How do you deal with those?"

"They don't know. They don't have a clue."
(h/t reader rich)