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21 June 2008

The Gift of Fear

Speaking of weakness, how ‘bout those Liberals?

When the best news were byelection wins by Bob Rae and Martha Hall Findlay, both considered leadership contenders as soon as Stéphane Dion loses the next election, it's a grim scenario.

Having backed away from repeated government invitations to trigger an election -- the Throne Speech, budget, Afghan mission extension, crime bills, immigration amendments and even footdragging by the Senate -- the Liberals have opted to spend the summer campaigning for a carbon tax instead of their own mandate.

In doing so, they've surrendered the best scenario for gaining ground to hopes that an economic downturn in the fall will backlash against the government, a rather morbid plan.
Oh yeah... congratulations to Stephen Harper on achieving the longest minority reign since the election of 1921.
