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02 June 2008

A gift, huh?

I'm havin' a little trouble understanding how Steffi imagines he can characterise his latest headlong retreat as some sort of victory.
-- OTTAWA -- Despite a chorus of bad publicity over the Maxime Bernier affair, the Conservative government waltzed through a series of confidence votes Monday.

The Liberals were taunted and laughed at by their opponents as only a handful of their members showed up for a set of 114-83 votes that took the legislation one step closer to becoming law.
But, brace yourself so you don't fall outta your chair...
Liberal Leader Stephane Dion noted that the political gift of Bernier's resignation would never have happened if, several weeks ago, he'd brought down the government as some in his party urged him to do.
Gotta tell ya, Stef... there's a gift here... but it sure ain't the one you're thinking of.


"I almost fell off the couch laughing as the MP's filed in to the House. The 11.. count 'em.. 11 Libs that showed up were filing in, and someone off-camera yelled.. "Bring out your dead!"

RELATED: More taxpayer-funded jockstrap sniffin'?

Colour me... not impressed.
"Opposition MPs on the public safety committee, led by the Bloc Québécois, out-voted the Conservative minority on Monday to expedite an investigation into the political storm involving Bernier and ex-girlfriend Julie Couillard, who had ties to criminal biker gang members."