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09 June 2008

Fiberals didn't get it done... again

"Flee, flee run away"... the Liberal Party of Canada can't bring itself to defeat that horrible Harperite cabal... yet again.
-- Ottawa -- With several Liberals abstaining, the House of Commons has approved controversial Conservative reforms to Canada's immigration laws by a vote of 120-90.

Bill C-50 allows skilled immigrants such as doctors to be put on the fast-track into Canada, while unskilled immigrants will find it harder to enter the country.
Stephane Dion, from whatever hidey-hole he is occupying tonight... has said that he will repeal that bill once he is... get this... Prime Minister.

Yeah, yeah... I know.

Meanwhile, back in the real world...
"Stephen Harper and the Conservative government takes a principled stand for the values that we believe in even when it's not popular.

Stéphane Dion is showing through his chronic abstentions that he is a weak leader who will flip flop on any issue in order to survive and continue on as leader," said Mr. Poilievre.

BREAKING: The real reason...

...Steffi didn't bring down the Conservatives.
