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06 June 2008

Faisal for the prosecution...

If only Canada were more like Saudi Arabia...
Concedes some speech within a “shaded” area will be suppressed — but will only require authors who are “close to the line” to “think very carefully” about how they say it.
Hey... nothing a little "flogging" won't cure, huh?

Be careful what you wish for, my friend.

And then the rebuttal... showing pretty clearly why Julian Porter earns the big bucks...
"When we are reduced to having an expert on Bollywood, mulling and sifting through the work, prospecting for prejudice, this surely cries out to society, 'this is ridiculous'."

"Against the argument that you cannot cry fire in a crowded theatre: 'Oh yes you can — you must, if in your considered view there is a fire'."

"In that case there is a duty to cry fire."

RELATED: More 'human rights' remedies...
"That's insane already. No-one was hurt."

"The complainant was an officious intermeddler, a busybody, the town scold, an anti-Christian activist named Darren Lund who had an axe to grind, and Andreachuk gave it to him."

"So a busybody with no standing spends time filing complaints -- and gets a tax-free reward for doing so. Oh -- and for his 'suffering'.

"Not suffering at the hands of Rev. Boission, but 'as a result of his [own] complaint'."