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29 June 2008

Don't look at me...

I'd set myself on fire... before I ever, ever voted for one of these guys...
Public housing tenants who fire guns, deal drugs or assault neighbours shouldn't be evicted from Toronto's public housing projects, says provincial Housing Minister Jim Watson.

"If someone has been convicted of a crime we can't kick them out of public housing for that reason," Watson told the Sunday Sun.
Oh, please Mr. Hug-a-thug... do tell...
"Whether it's a serious crime involving a gun or a white collar crime, we don't have the luxury of simply telling that individual that they are not eligible for social housing.

He says Human Rights legislation and other relevant laws mean serious crimes do not equate to automatic eviction, also conceding the system is "never perfect."
Yeah, I know... I just about threw up.

Your Liberal party in action.
