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21 June 2008

C'mon, sheeple...

Just wake up... and smell the jihad...
You know what is the really sobering thing about that ongoing terror trial in Brampton?

It's not even the hate, chiefly for Jews and Americans, that one of the group leaders preached at the drop of a hat and the top of his lungs with almost magnificently ungrammatical, near-illiterate, Koran-ignorant hysteria.

It's that he felt so free to preach it.

It's that he felt comfortable enough to hand out jihadist CDs outside at least one Toronto mosque and to occasionally turn up in combat fatigues at another.

It's that he giddily talked to one of his alleged co-conspirators about the obligation to kill Jews whenever one finds them.

It's that the leadership of the group regularly met at a half-dozen mosques in the GTA, usually on Fridays, the day of communal prayer.